Alice and Lewis is a short fiction film that tells the story of Lewis Carroll, author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865), and his encounter with Alice Liddell. Set in Victorian England, Alice and Lewis chronicles the momentous encounter that pushed Carroll to write the timeless fantasy novel.
Alice and Lewis is a short fiction film that tells the story of Lewis Carroll, author of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865), and his encounter with Alice Liddell. Set in Victorian England, Alice and Lewis chronicles the momentous encounter that pushed Carroll to write the timeless fantasy novel.
Writer, Director: Elina Street
Producers: Lyman Creason, Louise de Nexon
Director of Photography: Konstantin Lyubimov
Cast: Andrew Hawley, Lollie McKenzie, Alison McKenna
period, matildathemusical, drama, aliceinwonderland
KINEKO International Children’s Film Festival, JAPAN 2020
Fastnet Short Film Festival, UK 2019
Heart of Gold International Short Film Festival, AUSTRALIA 2019
Adelaide Film Festival, Australia 2019
Beloit International Film Festival, USA 2019
Taos Shortz Film Festival, USA 2019